Editorial Review

Series Made Simple

Cover: Civil Engineer

Tying jobs to a cause or mission is a great way to engage students. Here, climate scientists are portrayed as “soldiers in this fight” to find ways to slow the effects of climate change, biologists “solve problems like disease and hunger,” and chemists “make our world safer.” Readers are encouraged to work hard and learn as much science and math as possible. Stock photos show smiling children and a diverse group of adults at work using tools of the trade. Vocabulary is reinforced in text, such as describing a prototype as a “first model.” Directions are given for making a paper towel tube telescope or experimenting with sprout seeds in various liquids—doable activities for youngsters to try at home, with guidance. VERDICT An upbeat tone about altruistic work that will hook elementary readers on STEM.

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Cover: Civil Engineer Civil Engineer 2.9

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