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Animales bebés de los safaris (Safari Babies)

Are you fascinated by how things work? Want to help build our world? Then a STEM career might be for you. Learn about what an environmental engineer does, where a food scientist works, and what to study to become a physicist in this interesting, helpful series. Bright photographs of people working in the field, diagrams, sidebars, and glossary terms show and tell readers what these STEM careers entail and how they can prepare now!

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Cover: Las crías de la cebra (Zebra Foals) Las crías de la cebra (Zebra Foals)
Cover: Las crías de la jirafa (Giraffe Calves) Las crías de la jirafa (Giraffe Calves)
Cover: Las crías del elefante (Elephant Calves) Las crías del elefante (Elephant Calves)
Cover: Las crías del gorila (Gorilla Infants) Las crías del gorila (Gorilla Infants)
Cover: Los cachorros del león (Lion Cubs) Los cachorros del león (Lion Cubs)
Cover: Los cachorros del tigre (Tiger Cubs) Los cachorros del tigre (Tiger Cubs)

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